A week ago my son Jakob began his quest to raise money for his friend Kelcey who has cancer. Your response has been fantastic and to watch the donations roll in was just amazing! Jakob and I would love to be able to contact you all personally but that just isn’t possible so please accept our sincere thanks for opening up your hearts.... and your wallets :O)
Jakob is a little disappointed that he didn’t reach his target of $5,000 but everyone keeps telling him how amazingly well he has done! He even sent an email to Ellen DeGeneres (her show is on here after school and he likes the part where she rings people who are in need of help) to ask her to send out a “tweet” to her fans to boost his fundraising efforts! I did explain to him she would get a gazillion emails and it was highly unlikely that she would actually ever get to read his email, but he wanted to try.
With all this going on last weekend I still had finish my niece’s 1st birthday cake. We had a Teddy Bear themed birthday party and enjoyed a lovely warm day out in my Brother & Sister-in-laws back yard.
I will take down the donate button next week so I can then hand over the $$$ to Kelcey & her family. There is still time to push that total a little higher!
Hope everyone had a great Easter :O)
I really adore Jakob! My little cousin, it's 9 like him, read today about jakob and kelcey's story. We're very happy to reach helped them with my blog and our donations.
..and you're a great cake maker!
how cute! really nice cake.
Aw, How cute! Love this cake!
beautifulst and most tender it compliments!
Oooh wow this looks great, such a cute cake :D/
Glad I made it in time to donate! You should be a proud mom to have raised such a thoughtful son.
Now I am going to get to your blog...I am glad I came across it!
Without a doubt you have the cleanest fondant work I have ever seen! It is perfect and beautiful!!!! I added you to my blog~I don't want to miss an update.
Thanks so much for the kind words :O)
That cake is totally adorable. I've played with figurines a couple of times but I need A LOT more practice still!
What a cute cake! I love it!
Hi there, I'm also an avid cake decorator from Auckland. I love your cake's, they are so beautiful! Where do you get your gorgeous ribbons from that you use on your cakes and cake boards? I can't seem to find any really pretty one's in Auckland.
Thanks :O)
I get my ribbons all over the place but hardly ever in NZ. Ebay, Etsy are the main ones. I also have a loads of fabulous cake friends around the world who send me lots too :)
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