One left if you hurry....
So while cooking for my Mum's birthday BBQ on Sunday my oven blew up.... and I seriously mean BLEW UP. I heard a noise that sounded like a car backfiring and looked outside... but saw nothing. When I went to get my potato dish out of the oven it was covered in what looked like sand (turned out to be small ground bits of metal!).... there was white powder everywhere and a little bit of some sort of weird looking smoke. I looked and found that one of the elements had just *exploded*.
Me without an oven to bake in is a bit like wine without cheese.... cookies without cream..... Captain without Tennille!
I prepared these this morning and drove them up to my Mum's to bake in her oven. I am sitting waiting for the oven repairman.... hopefully normal (baking) business shall resume shortly!
Jam Shortcake Recipe
PS: To 'anonymous' no I don't work for Chelsea Sugar... but I DO love their website :O)
These look so good. I love the Chelsea Sugar website too. Their Mud Cake is the most seriously rich, fudgy, delicious chocolate cake around and I make it all the time.
And I had the misfortune of a malfunctioning oven for a few weeks last year. So frustrating!!!!
PS I am just 'down the road' from you in Hamilton... and it is seriously too hot for baking at the moment isnt it? But I still do it :)
...I so relate to your story of the oven blowing up! this past Christmas I had one dish already in the oven and I had to bake some cookies which are baked in a baking dish that I very very foolishly, placed in the bottom of the oven, not on the metal rack(there was not enough space for the baking dish between racks...)...so then, after 20 minutes or so I started noticing a burning smell, took out the cookies, placed the baking dish over the counter, and said baking dish exploded!, you know, because of the contact with a cold surface...thank God no one was hurt; there's still a burning mark on the counter which I call "the smoking gun"...
Oh no, now I'm going to worry about this happening! I'm already worried about exploding pyrex dishes, and the glass dish story doesn't ease my concerns on that front, either! My mother-in-law's cabinet fell off of her kitchen wall at one point, and up to now that was the worst thing I worried about, but a broken/exploding oven would be much worse! I hope your repairman could fix it!
Aw no sorry to hear about your oven blowing up not good!! Hope it manages to get sorted!
I just came across your blog by pressing the 'next blog' button & I just have to leave you a comment to tell you your cakes are amazing!! You are so talented & I had a lot of fun looking at all the fun cakes you have here. Great work! :)
I just have to say, I LOVE your blog. I think your amazingly talented and I love checking out your latest creations. I love baking as well and wish I had more time to learn new techniques and find good recipes. For now though, most of my time is constrained by raising little children.
I hope you are able to repair your oven soon. I'm looking forward to your next bake!
Best wishes :)
Thanks so much!
Oven is all fixed... YAY!
I just found your website, and was really touch for the purpose of your blog! Your work is amazing.
What a great resource!
Ohh.. that would be a nightmare to be without my oven. Lucky you could go to your mum to finish of this delicious treats.
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