So today I am a cake maker to The Stars ... well a star's mother-in-law :O)
Three years ago when I started 'getting into cakes' I remember showing a photo of my latest (photos I have since hidden as they were soooo bad!) creation to my darling friend Georgie (we met through work). She made the usual ooooh's and aahhhh's that supportive friends do and then casually dropped it into the conversation that her soon-to-be daughter-in-law also 'did' cakes. She told me that she had a website and when she got back to her desk she sent me the link.
When I opened it up I nearly fainted on the floor.... there before me on the screen was the one and only Peggy Porschen
Quite funny when I look back on it now. When I went to the UK on holiday in 2007 Georgie organised for me to go and spend the morning with Peggy at her studio in London.... what a thrill!!!! I even got to eat one of her cupcakes.... secretly I wanted to put it in by bag and take it home and keep it in a locked cabinet LOL
Georgie to this day remains one of my biggest supporters and it still drives her a little insane that I don't and won't do this for a living. I am meeting up with her for lunch today to celebrate her birthday and these are made especially for her.
Happy birthday my gorgeous friend xxx
these are so beautful, Peggy is amazing too!
Hi Kathryn, I'm Carla from Brazil.
I read your blog frequently and I love it!! I'm starting a little business of cakes and cupcakes and when I have been in USA in april, I bought the Peggy Porschen's book.
It is wonderful with beautiful photos and recipes!!
I can imagine your face when you discover the link between your friend and her. Certainly, better than this, was the time you have been in her studio!!!
So...congratulations for your blog and thanks for the inspiration!!!
did you make the daisies? if not, where can I get them?
Hi , yes I made the daisies :)
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